Charlie the Chicken Mushroom
Charlie is a chicken and a mushroom all in one
He ate a bunch of mushrooms and they grew out of his bum
Because Charlie’s unique he is able to tempt fate
Even though he’s different his friends all think he’s great!

Artie the Artichoke
Artie is an artichoke he is old and wise
The gang turns to him for sage advice
He is full of worldly wisdom and has been around the block
Artie the Artichoke is the one to whom you talk

Bud the Beet
Bud is a beet, underground he grows
He likes to take his music everywhere he goes
The tunes he plays are happy, groovey and upbeat
His DJ name is Bud, Bud the Beat!

Chip the Cippolini
Chip the cippolini is sweeter than you’d think
Unlike his bigger brothers that make you cry because they stink
His chipper personality helps to keep spirits high
He’s Chip the Cippolini, he’s a chipper kind of guy

Fernando & Frita the Fig Twins
The fig twins hang together and have never been apart
They make eachother laugh so hard sometimes they fart
They are always making jokes from the branch they like to spy
Fernando and Frita always keep a watchful eye

Jorge the Jalapeño
Jorge the Jalapeno, is as spicy as he is sweet
He dances through the garden with a latin kind of beat
His energy’s contagious and the gang can feel his pep
He is Jorge the Jalapeno he puts the pep in your step

Petunia the Pea Head
Petunia is a string bean
She is sassy, thin and petite
Her bodies filled with peas
That also make her sweet

Tony the Tuscan Eggplant
Tony is an eggplant from a garden far away
He likes to lounge and sunbathe in the Tuscan sun all day
He found the garden gang and created a new family
He is Tony the Tuscan Eggplant, he's from beautiful Italy

Ruby the Rhubarb
Ruby is a rhubarb stalk
She likes to party, she likes to rock
Strong, courageous and brave she speaks her mind
Ruby the rhubarb is always up for a good time