"The 9 Lives of Charlie the Chicken Mushroom" is an adventure series written for children of all ages. Charlie's sense of adventure and mind for mischief can get him into trouble. He has a group of vegetable friends, "The Garden Gang" that help him in and out of jams. No matter what crazy, fun and foolish shenanigans take place his friends always have his back. That's what friends are for!

This series is meant to introduce kids to a wide variety of vegetables and encourage them to get cooking. Each book features a kid friendly recipe showcasing a unique and tasty vegetable.

$1 from each book sold will be donated to the No Kid Hungry Campaign aiming to end childhood hunger in America. Thank you for your support!


All based on true stories:

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#1 Microphone meltdown

I have loved to sing and dance since I was just a little chicken mushroom. At a recent birthday party my friends surprised me with a night of karaoke. I was nervous about my performance and drank too much punch. I got sooooo nervous I forgot the words to song and my "garden gang" of vegetable friends had to save me and the song. Let your freak flag fly! 

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#2 Mystic Mountain

My sister Petunia the Pea Head and I get really excited for ski season each year. I like to take risks and try more difficult trails each season but this year we were in for real trouble. My sense of adventure got us stuck on the mountain. Thank goodness for the "garden gang!" They came to our rescue and saved the day! That's what friends are for.